Thursday, December 17, 2009

Express It...!!

We often feel, when ever we see any good looking girl or any charming personality, we want to approach and talk to them. Most of time this happens with the opposite sex. just to have a general talk or to get to know them. I'm sure everyone will feel it. But, When this happens to me, instead of approaching them I don’t talk to them.

I often feel like telling them they are very charming, good looking or they speak really well.

Something like this happened to me very recently. There was this girl at work place, who was tall, slim and good looking. I always wanted to approach her and tell her that she is beautiful. But I could never gather my courage and approach her. One day I made up my mind to speak to her but I was too late because, I gotto know that she quit the company and she is no longer working with us.

Hmmm, some people make an impression in your mind and in your heart even though u never speak to them. Anyways.. life moves on... but learn't a lesson that never keep it to yourself if you have to compliment anyone.

We often do not express our feelings for fear of losing a relationship, but fact is, we often lose a beautiful relationship by not expressing our feeling...

I hope I will meet her sometime and I don't miss a chance to compliment her..!!!

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